Carmaky gets Crafty!

Jul 9, 2014 | News

Carmaky has recently diverged into the Craft Beer Market, which has proved to be an extremely interesting and enjoyable venture.
Our first project was for a Small Brewery called “SMACK! Republic Brewing Co” who commissioned a Copper Immersion Wort Chiller from us with the purpose of reducing the cooling time for their beer.

The Chiller was successfully installed at Smack! and the results were extremely satisfying, resulting in a 66% reduction in their cooling time. This satisfactory outcome has resulted in a look at how their entire cooling system can be optimized.

We are also currently busy with the Design and Fabrication of various sized Hop Baskets for Smack!.
If you are a Craft Brewery and would like our assistance in optimizing your system, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Copper Immersion Wort Chiller Copper Immersion Wort Chiller